
Modules in Togile

Add Leads
View Lead
Lead Info
Left-Right Bar
Table View
Convert Lead

Add Deal
View Deal
Deal Info

Add Contact
View Contact
Contact Info
Related Deal
Related Company

Add Company
View Company
Company Info
Related Deal
Related Contact

Organisation Details
Organisation Edit
Organisation Currencies
Add Currency
Add Tax

Manage Users
Add/Edit User
Manage Team
Add Team
Edit Team
Assign User
Manage Role
Add/Edit Role
User Log

Product View
Product Add
Product Edit

Automation View
Add Automation
Edit Automation
Set Condition
Set Execution

Routing Engine View
Routing Engine Add
Routing Engine Condition
User Selection

Type of Layout
Add Customisation
Add Group
Add Field
Create Field
Layout Profile Based
Details Layout

Module View
Data Mapping
Data Sharing
Add Data Sharing
Edit Data Sharing

Tag View
Tag Add
Tag Entity

Goal View
Goal Add
Goal Edit
Goal Set
Goal Summary
Goal Active Inactive

View Pipeline
Add Pipeline
Edit Pipeline

Communication SMTP

Webhook Active
Add Webhook

Add Task
Edit Task
View Task

Add Report
View Report
Report Graph

Call Logs
Smart Insights
Pipeline Won/Lost
Bulk Action

Modules in Togile

Admin features


In this comprehensive guide, we break down the essential functionalities of Togile, categorizing them into Primary features for managing customer records seamlessly, and Administrative features for organizational management, automation setup, and account customization. Dive into each section to harness the full potential of Togile for your agile workflow

Admin features

You can utilize all the options found in the Settings screen to effectively oversee your business administratively. These features empower you to tailor Togile according to your preferences, invite users to your Togile account, establish automation, configure routing engines, customized fields, set goals, assign tags, introduce new products, handle integrations, and adjust pipelines as needed.

Organization, Currency and Tax


You have the option to input organization details and upload a logo for your organization. This allows you to keep your organization's information current and personalize its representation.

  • Click Edit in the organization details.
  • Click on Edit button.
  • Do the required change in the empty field and click Save button.

Add Currency

  1. Click Currency Tab and then click on Add button.
  2. Select the Currency and then select Manual Automatic
  3. Click Save button to view currency table.

Add Tax

  1. Click Tax Tab and then click on Add Tax button.
  2. Fill the Tax Name and then input Tax Amount
  3. Click Save button to view tax table.

Add User, Team and Roles

Enhance your team's capacity with user addition in Togile CRM, and efficiently assign roles for optimized collaboration.

Manage User

  • Click on Add User button to add new users.
  • Provide the required field such as name, email, phoneno, role and click on Save button.

Manage Team

  • Click Add Team button to add new team.
  • Click the team you have created and then click in Assign User button.
  • Select the team members shift it from Left to Right.
  • Once done with the team section then click on Save button.

Manage Roles

  • Click Add button to add new Roles.
  • Provide the required field such as name of the role and enable the permission.
  • Once done, click Save button.

User Logs

  • Click on User log Tab.

Data Management

Effortless Lead, Deal, and Contact Data Management: Import and Export with Ease.

Import Details

  • Click Import Tab in the data management and choose the .CSV (file) you want to upload.
  • Click Select Entity in the data management and choose the entity as per uploaded file.
  • Click Next button.
  • Click on My File had a header if it is present in file.
  • Map the fields which need to uploaded with respect to that field and as per present in file.
  • Import Setting , set the uniques rule on the entity getting import.
  • Import Preview , to understand the import before import starts.
  • Import Result , which will display created records with error if present

Export Details

  • Click Export Tab in the data management.
  • Click Select Entry in the data management of export tab

Product Management

Effortlessly manage your products with Togile's intuitive platform. Add, edit, and categorize products, set prices, and toggle between service-based or duration-based offerings, all while maintaining control over product activation status.

  • Click Add button.
  • Enter the name of the product name, product price, select its type of prodcut or service and other field then click Save button.


A Automation Engine

  • Click on Automation button.
  • Enter the name of the new Routing Engine, give description select entity and continue as follow
  • Follow the steps required to run routing engine such as Trigger at, Interval, Condition, Executed (User)
  • Click Save button.
  • Enter the name of the new Routing Engine, give description select entity and continue as follow
  • Follow the steps required to run routing engine such as Trigger at, Interval, Condition, Executed (User)
  • Click Save button.

Routing Engine

A routing engine automates lead or contact distribution based on predefined conditions and limits, facilitating efficient allocation.

  • Click on New Engine button.
  • Enter the name of the new Routing Engine, give description select entity and continue as follow
  • Follow the steps required to run routing engine such as Trigger at, Interval, Condition, Executed (User)
  • Click Save button.
  • Enter the name of the new Routing Engine, give description select entity and continue as follow
  • Follow the steps required to run routing engine such as Trigger at, Interval, Condition, Executed (User)
  • Click Save button.


Our customization feature empowers users to create new layouts based on their roles within the organization. Whether you're managing leads, deals, contacts, or companies, you have the flexibility to design layouts that suit your specific requirements. This customizable approach ensures that each team member can access and interact with data in a way that maximizes their efficiency and productivity. By offering personalized layout options for different aspects of your business operations, our platform facilitates streamlined workflows and enhances collaboration among team members.

  • Click Add Layout in the customization and choose the type of layout you want to create.
  • Click Custom Field button.
  • Enter the name of the new field, select its type, and
  • click Save button.
  • Click Add Layout in the customization and choose the type of layout you want to create
  • Click Custom Field button.
  • Enter the name of the new field, select its type, and
  • click Save button.


Configuration in a CRM involves setting up various modules like sales, marketing, and customer service to align with business needs. It includes defining data sharing permissions to control access and ensure secure collaboration. Data mapping is used to align fields between systems for seamless integration, while number masking protects sensitive information by displaying only partial phone numbers, enhancing privacy and security.

  • Click Edit button to edit the Module.
  • Map your fields using Data Mapping as you want it to be and click on the Save button.
  • You can see all the Data Sharing rules here.
  • In Data Sharing & Click on Add button to add/create Data Sharing rules. After that click on Save button to save the data sharing rule.
  • In Data Sharing & Click on the Edit button to edit Data Sharing rules. After that click on Save button to save the data sharing rule.
  • In Number Masking click on edit to edit number masking and Save it.

Tag Manager

A Tag Manager in a CRM allows users to categorize and organize contacts, leads, and deals using customizable tags. This feature helps in quickly filtering and segmenting data for more efficient management, personalized communication, and targeted marketing efforts. Tags make it easier to track and access specific groups based on criteria like status, source, or priority.

  • Click Add button to add a tag.
  • Click select to select an entity for the Tag.


A goal in a CRM is a target or objective set for sales, marketing, or customer service teams to achieve within a specific timeframe. These goals help track progress, measure performance, and drive strategic actions, such as increasing sales revenue, improving customer satisfaction, or generating more leads. Setting clear goals ensures that all team members are aligned and focused on achieving key business outcomes.

  • Click on Add Goal to add a goal and click on Next button for second step.
  • After adding a goal Set Goal & click on Next button for next step.
  • After setting a goal you can see the Goal Summary in next step and click Save button to save it.
  • In action you can Edit Goal if you want to edit it..


A CRM pipeline is a visual tool that represents the stages of the sales process, from lead generation to closing deals. It typically includes stages like Lead Generation, Qualification, Proposal, Negotiation, and Closing. Each stage outlines specific actions and criteria to move prospects forward. By tracking leads through these stages, sales teams can manage their workflow efficiently, forecast sales, and ensure consistent follow-ups, ultimately improving conversion rates and customer relationships.

  • Click Add button to add a pipeline.
  • In action click on Edit to edit a pipeline.


Communication involves managing interactions with customers across various channels, such as email, phone, chat, and social media. It ensures timely, personalized, and efficient exchanges, enhancing customer relationships and engagement. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) facilitates the sending of emails for various purposes such as marketing campaigns, transactional notifications, and customer support. It ensures reliable delivery of messages and allows for automated email workflows, enhancing customer engagement and communication efficiency. Proper SMTP configuration is essential for the CRM to effectively manage and track email interactions.

  • After filling the fields click on the Connect button to connect the SMTP.


Webhooks are used to automate real-time notifications and data updates by sending HTTP requests to specified URLs when certain events occur. This allows seamless integration with other systems and applications, ensuring instant communication and synchronization of data across platforms, improving efficiency and responsiveness.

  • Click Add Webhook to add a webhook & you can edit webhook in table action.


In a CRM, an entity refers to a specific data category such as leads, deals, contacts, or companies. Leads represent potential customers, deals track sales opportunities, contacts store individual customer information, and companies manage organizational details. Each entity helps in organizing and managing customer interactions and sales processes efficiently.


In a CRM, leads are potential customers who have shown interest in a company's products or services. They are the initial stage in the sales funnel, captured through various channels and nurtured to convert into sales opportunities.

Here you can see the lead information like name, mail, number & you can take actions like you can assign a tag to related perticular lead.

You can add a lead by clicking Add Leads button.

In action you can reassign your lead to whom you want to assign.

In action you can Share your lead to user or a team.

You can convert your Lead into deal, contact or company.


Deals represent sales opportunities or potential revenue-generating transactions with customers. They track the progress of a sales process from initial interest to closing. Deals include details like value, stage, expected close date, and associated contacts or companies. Effective deal management helps in forecasting revenue, prioritizing sales efforts, and improving the overall sales pipeline.

Click Add Deal button to add a deal.

You can see your deal info in the right side.


Contacts are individual customer records containing essential information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, and job titles. They serve as the primary point of interaction between the business and its customers. Managing contacts efficiently helps in personalizing communication, tracking customer interactions, and building strong customer relationships.

In the top left side you can see the contact info.

Click Add Contact button to add a contact.


Companies are organizational records that store crucial information about business clients, including their name, industry, size, and contact details. These records help in managing relationships at the organizational level, tracking interactions, deals, and communications associated with each company. Efficient company management aids in understanding the business landscape, identifying opportunities, and enhancing B2B relationships.

Top left side you can see the company info.

Click Add Company button to add a company.


Tasks are actionable items or activities assigned to users to manage customer relationships and sales processes. They include actions like follow-up calls, meetings, or email outreach, each with a due date and priority. Tasks help ensure timely and organized customer interactions, improving productivity and keeping the sales pipeline moving efficiently.

Click Add Task button to add a Task.

You can edit your Task here.

Signals notify you of calls, emails, email insights, Twitter actions, and Zoho Desk notifications.


Reports provide insights and analysis on various aspects of customer interactions, sales performance, and overall business activities. They compile data into actionable metrics and visualizations, such as sales trends, lead conversion rates, and customer behavior. Reports help businesses make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and track progress toward goals, enhancing strategic planning and operational efficiency.

Click Create New Report to create a report.

You can edit your created report & click Generate Preview to see the preview of the report.

Click add folder to manage your report folder-wise arrangement.

Call Logs

Call logs record details of phone interactions with customers, including the date, time, duration, and summary of each call. These logs help track communication history, ensure follow-up actions, and maintain a comprehensive record of customer interactions. Effective call log management enhances customer service, improves relationship management, and supports sales and support teams in staying organized and informed.

Click Add Call Logs button to add a call logs.

Click on call log name to edit a call logs.


Meetings are scheduled interactions with customers or prospects, documented with details such as date, time, participants, and agenda. Tracking meetings helps ensure follow-ups, maintain a history of engagements, and align team efforts. Efficient meeting management enhances customer relationships and supports sales and service activities.

Click on Add Meeting to add a meeting.

Click on meeting name to edit a meeting.


Primary features are what you use to create or edit records in your Togile-T account. Like adding a new contact, updating deals, or creating a new event. Here's how you do them:


task feature allows users to create, assign, and manage actionable items related to customer interactions and sales processes. Tasks can include follow-up calls, meetings, email outreach, and other activities with set deadlines and priorities. This feature helps ensure timely execution of responsibilities, enhances productivity, and keeps the sales pipeline organized and moving forward.



Meeting feature enables users to schedule, track, and manage meetings with customers, prospects, and team members. It includes details such as date, time, participants, and agenda, and often integrates with calendar systems. This feature helps ensure timely follow-ups, maintains a record of interactions, and supports effective planning and coordination, enhancing customer relationship management and sales efficiency.


product feature allows businesses to manage and catalog their products or services, including details like pricing, specifications, and availability. This feature helps sales teams quickly access product information, tailor their pitches to customer needs, and track product-related sales and inventory. Efficient product management within a CRM enhances the sales process, ensures accurate information, and supports better customer service.



The email feature facilitates sending, receiving, and tracking email communications with customers and prospects directly within the system. It allows users to create and automate email campaigns, personalize messages, and monitor engagement metrics like opens and clicks. Integrating email into the CRM streamlines communication, improves customer engagement, and provides a complete record of interactions for better relationship management.


The note feature allows users to create and store detailed notes about customer interactions, meetings, calls, and other relevant activities. These notes can be linked to specific contacts, deals, or companies, providing a comprehensive and easily accessible record of all interactions. This feature helps ensure important information is documented, facilitates knowledge sharing among team members, and supports informed decision-making and personalized customer service.



The filter feature enables users to sort and view specific subsets of data based on various criteria, such as contact details, deal stages, activity dates, and more. This functionality helps users quickly find relevant information, analyze trends, and manage workflows more efficiently. By applying filters, businesses can target specific customer segments, prioritize tasks, and gain insights for better decision-making and strategy development.


The history feature maintains a chronological record of all interactions and activities related to contacts, deals, and communications. It captures details such as calls, meetings, emails sent and received, tasks completed, and notes added. This comprehensive history provides a complete timeline of engagements, allowing users to track progress, review past interactions, and maintain continuity in customer relationships. It also supports analysis, reporting, and strategic planning by offering insights into customer engagement patterns and communication effectiveness.

Call Logs

Call logs are a feature that records detailed information about phone calls made and received by users. This includes data such as the date, time, duration, participants, and outcome of each call. Call logs help sales and support teams track communication history, ensure follow-up actions, and maintain a clear record of customer interactions. By capturing and organizing call data within the CRM, businesses can improve customer service, enhance relationship management, and support data-driven decision-making.



In a CRM, the files feature allows users to upload, store, and manage various types of documents and files related to contacts, deals, or projects. This includes contracts, proposals, presentations, and other relevant documents. Files can be organized into folders or linked directly to specific records within the CRM, providing easy access and centralization of important information. This feature enhances collaboration among team members, improves document management efficiency, and ensures that all relevant materials are securely stored and readily accessible when needed.

Lead Table View

Leads Leftbar Rightbar

Pipeline in Lead

Smart Insights

Register the CRM you've been looking for

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not listed, please refer to the documentation, or ask us your question directly.

What is lead management in CRM?
How does lead management improve sales efficiency?
Can I customize the lead management process in the CRM to fit my business needs?
What are the benefits of automated lead nurturing?
What support and training are available for using the lead management features in the CRM?

What is lead management in CRM?

How does lead management improve sales efficiency?

Can I customize the lead management process in the CRM to fit my business needs?

What are the benefits of automated lead nurturing?

What support and training are available for using the lead management features in the CRM?